85th General Session of OIE - 21st - 26th May 2017 - Paris, France - African Common Positions

Mon, 15-05-2017 15:00:00

Technical Item 1

Item Comment / Africa Position
Technical Item I :

Global action to alleviate the threat of antimicrobial resistance: progress and opportunities for future activities under the "One Health" initiative

(Rapporteur : Mme. Khadija Id Sidi Yahia)

Africa sincerely congratulates the rapporteur for the excellent way in which he has conducted, evaluated and conveyed the results of the survey amongst OIE Member Countries. Africa is especially encouraged by the data reflecting the awareness and commitment amongst the majority of the 54 African Countries Members of OIE. We fully support the recommendations of the rapporteur especially as it relates to encouraging inter sectorial cooperation; continuation of regional workshops and the implementation of OIE standards as it relates to the use of antimicrobials and preventing the development of antimicrobial resistance in the animal sector. Although still difficult to fully implement in several African countries, Africa supports the recommendation that countries should be encouraged to change national legislation to require a veterinary prescription before delivery of antibiotics.
Technical Item II:

Public-Private Partnerships: expectations of private sector partners for international animal health and livestock development programmes
(Rapporteur : Dr. Samuel Thevasagayam)

Africa congratulates the rapporteur and co-workers for this excellent presentation. Africa fully supports the plea of the rapporteurs that Member Countries should make a concerted effort to create an enabling environment for the successful establishment and outcome of public-private partnerships especially as it relates to facilitate such partnerships with enabling legislation, good veterinary governance and the accountability of the veterinary service in such relationships.
Some Member Countries unfortunately had the unfortunate experience that some partnerships were not sustainable beyond the partnership period resulting in distrust for the establishments of partnerships. It is thus essential that especially in Africa where resources for the delivery of sustainable veterinary services are often limited, partnerships would ensure sustainability after termination of the partnership period.


Report of the Biological Standards Commission

Item Comment / Africa Position

General comment

Africa congratulates the OIE on progress made in the development and application of a PVS tool for laboratories and reiterates its request to train a pool of African experts in the PVS pathway for its administration. Training on gap analysis on the PVS will be important to enable countries to conduct self-evaluation.

Africa again reiterates the need to further advance the development of partnerships for laboratory twinning with established OIE Reference laboratories with the eventual aim of establishing more OIE Reference laboratories in Africa.

Noting the importance of bovine tuberculosis on the continent, Africa urges the OIE to persist in its efforts to expedite the development of a replacement international standard bovine tuberculin. This is in light of the general need to improve ease, reliability and validity of tuberculosis testing.


Report of the Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases

Item Comment / Africa Position

Disease status recognition

Africa appreciates the establishment of a new dedicated Department for Status recognition and the improvements already put into effect – notably the training given at regional level to assist Member Countries to prepare dossiers for applications.

Africa suggests that the disease status recognition questionnaires be placed on the OIE website in addition to being in the Terrestrial Code.


Follow-up to the Recommendations of the Conferences

Item Comment / Africa Position

4th OIE Global Conference on Animal Welfare Guadalajara (Mexico), 6th – 8th December 2016

Africa congratulates the OIE for organizing this important conference. We noted with appreciation from the Recommendation adopted at the conference, that the development of Regional strategies on animal welfare is encouraged as well as the plea to facilitate the recognition of equivalence and reciprocity on animal welfare issues. This is important for Africa as animal welfare practices due to cultural differences might in some instances differ from other Member Countries but still promote sound welfare intentions – even if not the same as in some developed countries.

The conference provided more insight on the five freedoms of animal welfare and how indicators are used to measure the outcomes.

Africa had already started developing the animal welfare strategy before the 4th OIE Global Conference on Animal Welfare in Guadalajara. An assessment and situational analysis had already been conducted at the continental level.

The African Animal Welfare Strategy will be aligned to the Global one.
Africa supports the adoption of the draft recommendation for the development of a Global Animal Welfare strategy at the 85th General Session.

4th OIE Global Conference on Veterinary Education: Learning today, protecting our future. Bangkok (Thailand), 22nd-24th June 2016 Africa congratulates the OIE for again organizing this important conference and notes with satisfaction the progress made in enhancing global veterinary education since the first OIE Conference on Veterinary Education. Africa appreciates the emphasis placed on student participatory learning techniques, the inclusion of the role of Veterinary Para-professionals in the education strategy and also progress in developing curriculum criteria and Day One competencies for Veterinary Para-professionals.


Terrestrial Code Commission     

 Glossary  4  Part A  ANIMAL HEALTH STATUS Africa supports the new addition
Diseases, infections and infestations listed by the OIE (the Preamble)  6  1.3 The following diseases, infections and infestations in this chapter are have been assessed in accordance with Chapter 1.2. and included in the OIE list of terrestrial animal diseases.
In case of modifications of this list adopted by the World Assembly of Delegates, the new list comes into force on 1st January of the following year.
Africa proposes to change the sequence of the process to make it clear that the list, after being assessed or modified, must first be adopted by the World Assembly. Africa proposes to change the sequence as follows:

The following diseases, infections and infestations in this chapter are have been assessed in accordance with Chapter 1.2. and included in the OIE list of terrestrial animal diseases after adoption by the World Assembly of Delegates.

In case of modifications to this list , the new list comes into force on 1st January of the following year after adoption by the World Assembly of Delegates.

Draft new chapter on criteria applied by the OIE for assessing the safety of commodities  7  2.x It is expected that processing or treatment (i) uses standardised protocols, which include the steps considered critical in the inactivation of the pathogenic agent of concern; (ii) is conducted in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices; and (iii) that any other steps in the treatment, processing and subsequent handling of the animal product do not jeopardise its safety. Africa is of the opinion that this constitute a standard and should be written as such, and thus proposes the following:

Processing or treatment should (i) use standardised protocols, which include the steps considered critical in the inactivation of the pathogenic agent of concern; (ii) is be conducted in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices; and (iii) ensure that any other steps in the treatment, processing and subsequent handling of the animal product do not jeopardise its safety.

High Health Status Horse Subpopulation  8  4.16  General comments Africa supports the adoption of article 4.16.3 of chapter 4.16 of Annex 8 The provision of biosecurity measures in support of HHSHS will greatly facilitate the growing importance of transboundary movement of performing horses among countries on the African continent and beyond.
OIE procedures relevant to the agreement on the application of sanitary and phytosanitary measures of the World Trade Organization.      9  5.3  5.3.3. Africa suggests that the word "judgment" in line 3 should be replaced with "assessment" for consistency with the French version.
 9    5.3.5 (12) Africa suggest replacing the word "judge" with "assessor" and "judgment" with "assessment" for purposes of consistency.
 9    5.3.6 (6) Africa suggests replacing "judgment" with "assessment" for purposes of consistency.
 9    5.3.7 (1e) Africa suggests replacing "judgment" with "decision" to give meaning to the sentence.
 9    5.3.7 (2f) Africa suggests replacing "judgment" with "decision" as this is a more appropriate word for this case.
Draft new chapter on prevention and control of Salmonella in bovines  10  6.x  General comment Africa agrees that the word "cattle" be replaced by "bovines". However, already in article 6.x.1 the word bovines is used. It is suggested that article 6.X.3 be merged with article 6.X.1 to indicate in the introduction what is meant by bovines before it is used in the rest of the chapter.
In addition Africa recommends that bovine should be defined in the context of each specific disease- in the relevant annexes.
       6.X.2 Definitions Africa suggests that the definition for semi-intensive production systems should be retained. This is because the semi-intensive system still exists where cattle are herded by day, and housed by night.
       6.X.1112 (paragraph 1) Africa suggests rearranging the text under transportation for more clarity. The sentence should read "vehicle should be properly cleaned and disinfected in accordance with chapter 4.13 after transportation of animals".
       6.X.1112 (paragraph 2) Africa suggests replacing "animals" with "bovines" for consistency and clarity. The sentence should read as follows: When transporting bovines from multiple establishments, the Salmonella status of the establishments should be considered to avoid cross-contamination.
Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex  14  8.X General comment Africa welcomes the presentation of this chapter for adoption after intensive consultation. Africa appreciates the changes made to acknowledge the role of wildlife where appropriate without placing additional burden on Member Countries for obligatory testing of wildlife unless it is epidemiologically important to do so.
Infection with lumpy skin disease  16  11 Art. 11.11.1
(General provisions)
Africa suggests that a preamble should be introduced before the text under "General Provisions". The sentence should read "For the purpose of this Chapter Bovine refers to both cattle and water buffalo" This will better define "bovine" and ensure for consistency with other chapters.
   16  11.11 Art. 11.11.7
(Recommendations for importation from countries or zones not free from LSD)
General comment: Africa welcomes the acknowledgement of the need for vaccination because the disease is endemic in many countries.

Africa supports the adoption of the chapter.

Infection with African Swine Fever Virus  17  15.1.   Africa supports the adoption of the chapter.
Glossary  3  - ZONE
means an area in one or more countries containing an aquatic animal population with a specific aquatic animal health status with respect to a disease, in which surveillance and control measures and basic biosecurity conditions are applied. The zone should be defined by the Competent Authority.
Africa suggests the following revision to the definition for "zone":
means a hydrological area in one or more countries containing an aquatic animal population with a specific aquatic animal health status with respect to a disease, in which surveillance and control measures and basic biosecurity conditions are applied.
The reason for including "hydrological area" in the definition is because aquatic systems are transboundary and the population at risk is within a hydrological water system "water-shed" not necessarily within the political boundaries.
Disinfection of aquaculture establishments and equipment  6  4.3 Article 4.3.9 (p41)
Ponds ....... removed prior to disinfection. All water and organic matter should be disinfected or disposed of in a biosecure manner.
Africa suggests that the sentence in line 4 be rephrased to read as follows 'All water and organic matter should be disposed of in a biosecure manner'.

This is because "disinfection" is part of biosecurity.

   6  4.3 (p43)
All loose equipment should be removed, cleaned and disinfected separately from disinfection of the boat.
Africa suggests The following editorial change for clarity:
All loose equipment should be removed from the boat, cleaned and disinfected separately, from the boat.
   6  4.3 Article 4.3.10 (p45)
Some types of personal equipment such as dive equipment
Africa suggests changing "dive equipment" to "diving equipment" for clarity.
   9-18 9.1-9.8, 9.X and X.X.8   Africa agrees with all the changes made by the AAC on these chapters.
Aquatic Manual chapters on some crustacean diseases 19-25  2.2.X, 2.2.3 - 2.2.6, 2.2.8   Africa notes and agrees with all the changes made in the chapters by the AAC.
Infection with White Spot Syndrome Virus  28 Manual Chapter 2.2.7   Africa notes and agrees with all the changes made in the chapter by the AAC.
Technical disease card on Tilapia Lake Virus (TiLV)  30   This comment is related to the whole annex in particular the following paragraphs:
  • Modes of transmission
  • Host range
  • Geographical distribution
  • Social and economic significance
Africa supports the finalization of the work on shrimp and fish diseases (especially TiLV and WSSV) given their potential impact on Africa’s aquaculture and fishery industry.
General Comment on AAC Report       Africa would like to commend the OIE Aquatic Animal Commission and Secretariat for the amount of work that has been put into the OIE Aquatic Code and Manual.
It reads much better.

85th General Session of OIE - 21th - 26th May 2017 - Paris, France - African Common Positions

85ème Session Générale de l’OIE - 21 - 26 Mai 2017 à Paris, France - Positions Communes Africaines