Procurement Process
AU-IBAR invites Expression of Interest from business entities/individuals as a first indication that they would like to engage in further bidding for supplies and services. It also provides AU-IBAR with a preliminary idea of value that can be weighed against AU-IBAR's expectations.
The EOI includes not only a range for the potential price of services/goods , but also the anticipated timing for closing the transaction, the transaction structure and any other areas that would help AU-IBAR decide if the qualified contractor would be a good fit.
AU-IBAR Procurement is regulated in accordance with the African Union Commission Procurement Manual (see AUC Procurement Manual for detailed procedures).
Procurement at AU-IBAR is done in the most efficient manner, upholding the principles of best value for money, transparency and fairness.
AU-IBAR also promotes socially and environmentally responsible procurement and encourages vendors' commitment to fair wages and benefits, safety, and environmental programs.
AU-IBAR procures the below goods/services/works.
- Vehicles
- Computer equipment
- Photocopiers/scanners
- Office furniture
- Project visibility items (banners, pull ups, t-shirts...)
- Stationery.
- Consultancy services especially in the area of Livestock
- Travelling Services
- Vehicles maintenance and repair
- Cleaning services
- Security services
- Printing Services
- Catering/Accommodation/Conference package services
- Provision of drinking water
- Internet Services
- Maintenance of Audio visual and IT equipment.
- Office maintenance works.