AU-IBAR Resolves to Broaden and Sustain its Support to Regional Farmers Organizations

Mon, 30-11-2015 15:00:00
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© 2015 AU-IBAR. Group photo of the participants at the Seminar.

As part of the implementation of the reinforcing veterinary governance (VET-GOV) Program, AU-IBAR organized a seminar on policy engagement and governance of farmers Organizations harmonization from 9th to 11th November 2015, in AU-IBAR premises, Nairobi, Kenya. The broad objectives of the seminar was to engage the regional farmers organizations (RFOs) to better respond to the needs of their membership thereby enhancing their capacities to contribute meaningfully to policy development processes, improving their leadership and organizational management capacities and sustaining good governance.

The seminar was attended by representatives from APESS, COFENABVI – AO, EAFF, NEALCO, PROPAC, RBM, SACAU, UMAOC, UMAGRI and participants from AU-IBAR, OIE, and FAO.

The specific objectives of the seminar were:

  1. To equip Regional Farmers Organizations with tools for enhanced participation in policy processes
  2. To discuss and build consensus on the principles of good governance, leadership and organisational management
  3. To develop a support strategy and engagement mechanism for stakeholders organisation

The opening session was addressed by Mr. David Mwangi Njuru, representing the EC and was officially opened by Dr Simplice Nouala, representing the Director of AU-IBAR.

Following fruitful deliberations,participants came up with the following resolutions

  • AU-IBAR and RFOS to Develop capacities in policy and organizational management
  • AU-IBAR to support RFOs in Resource mobilization to strengthen national institutions
  • AU-IBAR and RFOs to explore potentials for livestock insurance systems through the facilitation of exchange visits
  • SACAU and AU-IBAR to consider utilizing the SADC regional livestock forum to work as a regional policy hub
  • AU-IBAR to Include farmers organization in ARIS training and its interoperability with other information systems
  • AU-IBAR to sustain the policy engagement with Farmers organizations beyond the VET-GOV programme
  • AU-IBAR to facilitate the implementation of the 2016 action plan
  • SACAU to host the 2016 stack-taking workshop