Comoros Livestock Policy Hub Stakeholders Validated the Livestock Development Policy and Updated the Veterinary Legislation to Boost Livestock Sector

Wed, 12-04-2017 15:00:00
© 2017 AU-IBAR. Comoros Goat Breed.
© 2017 AU-IBAR. Comoros Goat Breed.

A workshop to Validate livestock development policy and veterinary legislation took place from 27-28 March 2017 at Karthala Hotel in Moroni, Comoros.

The overall objective was to improve Livestock Development in Comoros Union through comprehensive policy that can be used to lead the livestock development by involving value chain actors and other stakeholder including partner organizations taking into account the available resources and potential as well as the constraints that limit the development of livestock sector. In addition, the draft Veterinary Legislation has been validated to improve the framework of veterinary legislation in the country.

The specific objectives were the following:

  • To validate the proposed livestock development policy and to equip the country with a the national veterinary legislation; and to lead the stakeholders on the issues to be included in the Livestock Policy and the veterinary legislation.
  • To develop a way forward to finalize and submit the documents to the Government of Comoros.

The workshop brought together the national livestock policy hub members and other stakeholders to amend and agree on the issues to be taken into account in the Livestock Policy and the national veterinary legislation. A total of 35 participants attended the workshop.

© 2017 AU-IBAR. Group photo of the participants
© 2017 AU-IBAR. Group photo of the participants

The opening ceremony was marked by the presence His Excellency Mr MOUSTADROINE ABOUDOU the Vice President in charge of the Ministry of agriculture, fisheries, Environment, Territory, Urbanization and Food Security.
Livestock is a minor sector in the agri-food sector, accounting for only 11% of the value added of the agri-food sector in 2007, far behind agriculture (49%), fisheries (31%) and the forest (9%). In terms of its contribution to the fight against poverty. However, it is an essential element of livelihood, since it enables poor farmers to have a rapidly mobilized means of saving in the event of an emergency (small ruminants and poultry). It is also a sector with considerable potential for development, as evidenced by the progress made over the past two decades in the intensification of dairy and beef production. Opening remarks were also made on behalf of the Director of AU-IBAR Prof. Ahmed Elsawalhy and COMESA VET-GOV coordinator Dr. Yoseph Mamo by Dr. Hiver Boussini.

The participants have critically reviewed and adopted the 2 proposed documents Livestock development policy and veterinary legislation. The documents will be consolidated and labeled for official submission to the Government of the Republic of Comoros Union. The Government plan to convene a donor meeting in September 2017 for resource mobilization. In addition AU-IBAR will assist the country to develop a national animal health strategy.

The participants recognized and commended COMESA and AU-IBAR for the support in providing Comoros with Livestock Development Policy and veterinary legislation through VET-GOV program. The COMESA and AU-IBAR representatives lauded the commitment of the Republic of Comoros in convening a donor meeting in September 2017 to mobilization resources for the effective implementation of the policy, strategies, program and projects in order to boost livestock sector in the coming years.