History Timeline of AU-IBAR 

1951- 2024 

Key Projects, Milestones & Initiatives 

AU-IBAR has played a significant role in promoting animal resources development and management across Africa. Here is a timeline highlighting some key events and developments in its history:





  • 1951: The precursor to AU-IBAR, The Interafrican Veterinary School of Higher Education (EISMV) is established in Dakar, Senegal, becoming a regional centre for veterinary education and research.
  • 1951: The Interafrican Bureau for Epizootic Diseases (IBE) is founded in Nairobi, Kenya, with a mission to control and eradicate animal diseases in Africa.
  • 1961: IBE evolves to address a broader spectrum of animal resource issues, including sustainable livestock development, fisheries, and wildlife conservation.



  • 1962-1975: Joint Project Number 15 on Rinderpest
  • 1070’s and beyond: IBE Broadens mandate to cover animal production




1973 - 1983

  • 1983: IBE is integrated into the African Union (AU) as the Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR). Its expanded mandate includes not only disease control but also the sustainable development of animal resources.



  • 1986-1998: The Pan-African Rinderpest Campaign (PARC). The Project was implemented in 3 phases implemented in phases to provide mass vaccination, disease surveillance, restructuring of veterinary services and prevention of desertification in member countries.






  • 1998-2000: The African Wildlife Veterinary Project (AWVP)
  • 1998: AU-IBAR launches the Pan-African Livestock Development Strategy (PALS), aimed at improving livestock production, animal health services, and trade across Africa.
  • 1998-2001: The Regional Program on Ticks and Tick-borne Disease (RTTDC)
  • 1999-2004: Farming in Tsetse-Controlled Areas Project (FITCA)
  • 1999-2005: The Regional Project for Poultry and Milk Production in East Africa Project
  • 1999-2007: The Pan-African Program for the Control of Epizootics (PACE)



  • 2000-2005: Pastoral Livelihoods Program (PLP)
  • 2003-2006: The Pastoral Livelihoods Program HIV/AIDS (PLP HIV/AIDS)
  • Regional Network for Veterinary Training in Africa (REVETAH)
  • 2005: AU-IBAR, is established as a specialized office of the African Union Commission based in Nairobi, Kenya, to coordinate sustainable development of animal resources in Africa.
  • 2006: The African Union's Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture (DREA) takes responsibility for AU-IBAR's oversight and coordination.





  • 2006: AU-IBAR expands its scope to include fisheries and aquaculture, launching initiatives like the Fish Health and Aquaculture Program (FISHAQUA)
  • 2010: AU-IBAR Strategic Plan 2010-2014
  • 2010: The bureau strengthens with modalities through the Regional Economic Communities, & partnerships with governments, research institutions, the private sector, and NGOs to amplify its impact.









  • 2013-2019: Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of African Animal Genetic Resources (AnGR) Project
  • 2014-2018: Strengthening institutional capacity to enhance governance of the fisheries sector in Africa (Fisheries Governance Project (FishGov 1).
  • 2015-2035: Livestock Development Strategy for Africa (LiDeSA), aims to attract investments, improve animal health and productivity, foster innovation, and enhance market access, aligning with existing regional and continental agriculture development programs.
  • 2017-2023: The Sustainable Development of Livestock for Livelihoods in Africa (Live2Africa) Project


  • 2018-2023: Strategic Plan
  • 2018-2019: The Regional Partnership for African Fisheries Policy Reform (RAFIP)
  • 2018: The African Union launches the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), with AU-IBAR expected to play a role in facilitating the implementation of AfCFTA in the context of animal resources.
  • 2020: COVID-19 Response: AU-IBAR adapted its strategies and initiatives to address the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic on the livestock sector.




2021 - 2024
