Policy Research Network for Fisheries and Aquaculture in Africa (PRNFAA)
The Summit of African Heads of State and Government in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, June 2014, endorsed the Policy Framework and Reform Strategy for Fisheries and Aquaculture in Africa (PFRS) as a blue print to facilitate transformation of Africa’s fisheries and aquaculture for food, livelihoods and wealth. Evidence-based, timely and relevant information generated through the conduct of more cohesive and better-focused, high-quality research will greatly enhance the realization of the policy reform objectives of the PFRS as well as address emerging problems and challenges.
The Policy Research Network for Fisheries and Aquaculture in Africa was formally established in 2017, with support from the African Union InterAfrica Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR), to serve as a platform where researchers can work collaboratively with other sector stakeholders and ultimately contribute to greater coherence in their research agenda and activities and promote coherence and harmonization in fisheries and aquaculture policies and regulatory frameworks in Africa based on evidence-based, timely and relevant information/knowledge; and foster links between researchers and policy-makers and sector stakeholders for better utilization of research findings.
The importance of the Policy Research Network for Fisheries and Aquaculture in Africa is envisaged to ensure greater coherence among fisheries and aquaculture research experts, enhanced collaboration and promotion of research in fisheries and aquaculture policy for sustainable management of fisheries and aquaculture in Africa. The Network provides a platform to contribute to promotion of linkage, information exchange, collective expertise and experience to strengthen fisheries and aquaculture policy research; facilitate utilization of information in order to better support the sustainable management of Africa’s vast fisheries resources; as well as foster effectiveness and efficiency in communication among fisheries policy researchers.
The overarching objective of the Network is to contribute to the effective implementation of the policy reform objectives of the PFRS through the conduct of more cohesive and better focused evidence-based, high quality research agenda. The Network shall promote coherence and harmonization in fisheries and aquaculture policy research and alleviate disconnect between research, policy and practice in Africa within the framework of the African Fisheries Reform Mechanism (AFRM).
The Network shall fulfil the following Specific Objectives:
- Constitute a platform where researchers can work collaboratively and ultimately contribute to greater coherence in their research agenda and activities
- Promote the exchange of information, policy research outputs, analysis of policy options and gaps largely through online or where necessary through physical meetings
- Promote coherence and harmonization in fisheries policies and regulatory frameworks in the continent
- Provide a framework for regulating, approving and scaling up technology and innovation dissemination and adoption of policy research outputs and other research findings
- Encourage discussions between researchers and sector stakeholders to reduce the know-do gap and promote better utilization of research outputs in policies and practice
In terms of functions and activities, the Network shall:
- Develop theoretical frameworks and analytical methodologies that can be used to support AU Member States with the necessary research and raise the quality of policy research by linking isolated activities to the global fisheries and aquaculture knowledge.
- Help create “critical mass” by adding new members to the pool of experts at low marginal cost, and then accelerate the spread of good ideas through a “contagion effect” among linked members.
- Use flexible and dynamic linkages including modern communications and information technology to connect and reconnect multiple actors into new entities intended to analyze and deliver non-routine products or services.
- Serve as an integral actor in the Research for Development Value Chain to alleviate disconnect between research and policy as well as practice/adoption.
- Be guided by the principles of excellence, creativity, hard work, accountability and integrity.
- At all times apply modern methods and best practices towards its responsibility to all stakeholders.
- Encourage the inclusion of young professionals in its research teams and activities to build capacity and for mentoring.
- Encourage the incorporation of policy analysis in the points of entry for all aspects of policy research problem to provide policy makers with options for formulating policies.
- Encourage its members to ensure that entry points identified and diagnosed in a participatory process shall be the starting point for the exploration of the full dimensions of the problem being studied.
The continental policy research network is a voluntary association of individual policy research experts from Africa and abroad, together with the national fisheries and aquaculture research institutions and universities in different AU Member Countries and sector stakeholders working in a cohesive and collaborative manner to generate evidence-based information and sharing this knowledge among themselves.
The current Secretariat of PRNFAA is located at:
African Union
Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR)
Kenindia Business Park
Museum Hill, Westlands Road
P.O. Box 30786
00100, Nairobi
Telephone: +254 (20) 3674 000 / 201
Email: ibar.office@au-ibar.org
Website: www.au.ibar.org
Sloans K. Chimatiro, PhD
Plot 47/4/961
Nkhamenya Street,
P.O. Box 1454,
Lilongwe, Malawi