To reduce animal health risks associated with trade in Livestock and livestock products in the Great Horn of Africa (GHoA), USAID funded AU-IBAR to implement Standard Method and Procedures (SMP-AH) in Animal Health project. This will ensure livestock meet health quality standards and certification for regional and international livestock markets. To do this the project has built capacity to prevent the widespread presence of diseases that do not recognise borders.
To strengthen more ties AU-IBAR hosted a delegation from USAID to discuss achievements of the project and bidding off Mr. Isaac Thendiu, the outgoing Project Manager at USAID. The USAID delegation was headed by Mr Steve Orr (fifth from the right), of the Regional Economic Integration Office of USAID Kenya & East Africa Mission, who was received by Prof Ahmed Elsawalhy, the Director AU-IBAR (fourth from the right).
SMP-AH project is a 5 year project that aims to stabilize livelihoods of livestock dependent communities by enhancing capacities of all livestock value chain actors to effectively control transboundary animal diseases in a coordinated manner in the following seven countries, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan and Somalia in the IGAD region.