The Panafrican Animal Health Yearbook (PAHYB) is produced annually by AU-IBAR to share information on animal health in Africa and promote transparency in disease reporting. Thus the major content of the Yearbook is the analysis of monthly disease outbreaks based on the reports submitted by AU-MS within the year. A section of the book is devoted to providing information on the interventions carried out by AU-IBAR to improve the animal health situation on the continent through its various projects.
Following the transformation and gradual involvement of AU-IBAR in all other areas development in line with its mandate of promoting Animal Resource development in Africa, this edition of the Yearbook, which has now been renamed "The PanAfrican Animal Resources Yearbook" provides not only the status of animal diseases on the continent, but also information on additional areas of animal resources.
Likewise, the Panafrican Animal Health Yearbook category on the website under publications will be renamed The PanAfrican Animal Resources Yearbook.
Thus as AU-IBAR gradually evolves from a purely Animal Health institution to other areas of Animal Resources, the contents of the Yearbook is equally evolving gradually. In this edition of the book data and information on animal population and fisheries and aquaculture production and trade have been added. Future editions of the book will be expanded to all other areas of animal resources including human resources, trade and marketing, capacity etc, in order to provide more comprehensive information for decision making and give more impetus to inter- and cross-sectoral collaboration.
The new name 'Pan African Animal Resources Yearbook' reflects this expanded mandate. The Animal Resources Information System (ARIS) is one of the tools that has the potential to contribute to this gradual transformation in data management, and will help to streamline reporting and transparency across the continent.